PITU - Motanel pentru adoptie

(RO) PITU, baietel, 2 ani, castrat - pentru adoptie
(RO) PITU a avut o viata grea. Este din Piatra Neamt si a avut niste stapani care il bateau, il aruncau de pereti, i-au taiat si o ureche. Intr-o zi s-au mutat si l-au lasat pe strada. Era extrem de speriat si doar dragostea si rabdarea unei iubitoare de animale l-a facut sa aiba incredere iar in oameni. Venea in mod regulat sa pape intr-o curte unde erau hranite si alte pisici.
Intr-o zi insa a venit lovit, nu se putea ridica si avea o rana infectata la un picior din spate. A fost dus la o clinica din IASI unde a fost castrat si tratat la picior.
E un motan cu personalitate, frumos si adora sa stea in casa pe fotoliu dar sa iasa si afara.
Ajutati-ne sa ii gasim o familie iubitoare si responsabila care sa il iubeasca si sa nu il mai abandoneze.

Contact: pisinian@gmail.com
Piatra Neamt, Iasi sau Bucuresti


(EN) PITU, boy, 2 years old, neutered - Boy with a rough life for adoption

(EN) PITU has had an awful life. He used to have a family but they were beating him all the time, throwing him around. They even cut one of his ears. One day they moved and they left PITU on the streets. He was very scared and only with patience and perseverance of an animal lover he got used to human contact and started to come and eat regularly in an area with other protected cats.
One day he came with a very ugly injury to one of his hind legs, could not move and screamed with pain.
He was taken to as good vet and neutered and treated for his leg wound.
He is a good boy and loves to be indoors and be loved but would also need to go outside sometimes.
Please let's find him a good home and help him forget all the bad that's happened to him.

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